Shamanic Healing Journey

Shamanic Healing Journey

NOW you can schedule Shamanic Journey/Healing sessions online
This Service is performed in 2 parts.

PART 1 is a PHONE CALL with me and then I will go on a journey for you.
We will schedule part 2 during the call. Part 2 is usually scheduled 2 weeks out so I have time to gather anything prescribed during the journey.

The beautiful thing about any Shamanic Journey Sessions is that they are always different. As each of us is navigating life in a very unique way, every day.
However, some factors do remain the same. We always start with an Intake conversation to tune into what you would like to address in the session. This is
your chance to tell me why you want a Shamanic Session and everything that’s going on in your life.

Why? This information helps me know what I might want to pay more attention to during my diagnostic journey and helps me understand how the messages I
receive might apply to your current experience. Once the intake conversation is complete, I’ll do a diagnostic journey, on my own. This is where the helping
spirits tell us what types of healing will be most beneficial for you. I will write down my experience to share with you during our in-person session.

Next, we’ll schedule an in person session where I’ll follow the instructions from the diagnostic journey to provide you with shamanic healing, divination,
and mentoring. Though a session can focus on any one of these areas, all three will usually play a role. (The cost for an In-person session is USUALLY $88 UNLESS we need to do something big or longer than an hour and it’s scheduled after I complete your journey)

When you come for the in-person session,you will lie on a comfortable massage bed, fully clothed. We open up Sacred Ceremonial Space by calling in our Spiritual Guides & Allies. From there, each session looks very different. Past Life Healing, Power Animal Connections, Channeled Messages & Song, Reiki Healing, Extractions, Chakra Alignment, Energetic Release, Soul Retrieval & much more can occur. I will hold a safe and supportive space throughout this whole
process. Afterward, you will feel clear, light & peaceful. The healing journey continues to unfold over the course of the next few days, weeks & even years!

A: 102 Browning Lane, Building B Suite B3

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

T: 609.230.2297
