Ionic Foot Detox

Ionic Foot Detox

When the body is out of balance, it is more difficult for the body to eliminate toxins. Heavy metals, parasites, and other toxins disrupt the naturally balanced state of the cells and this interferes with body regulation, reduces energy, causes fatigue, and contributes to a range of symptoms. The foot detox treatment helps to restore balance to the body by eliminating toxins in the body’s vital organs.

There are several benefits to detoxifying the body with a foot detox treatment. This treatment may help reduce headaches, digestive disorders, allergies, improves circulation, acne, forgetfulness, and constipation. In addition, reducing toxins in the body helps to speed up the metabolism, increase energy levels, normalize blood pressure, improves memory retention, relieves joint pain, and boosts the function of the immune system. Reasons you can’t do a foot Detox *Pacemaker or another electrical implant *Organ transplant or removal *Pregnant or breastfeeding *If you take blood pressure or diabetes medication we need to talk before scheduling *Taking blood thinner *Hemophiliacs *Currently on Chemotherapy

A: 102 Browning Lane, Building B Suite B3

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

T: 609.230.2297
